DraStic DS Emulator APK v2.2.0.1a Orignal

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 02 Januari 2014 0 komentar
DraStic DS Emulator APK v2.2.0.1a Orignal
DraStic DS Emulator APK v2.2.0.1a Orignal
Requirements:Android 2.3 and up
Use lucky patcher or Modded google play
Overview: Exceptional is a quick Nintendo DS emulator for Android. Notwithstanding having the capacity to play Nintendo DS diversions full speed on numerous Android mechanisms


- Customize the position and size of the DS screens, for representation and scene modes

- Fully backings add-on controllers, and physical controls in apparatuses like nvidia Shield and Xperia Play

- Save and resume your advancement anyplace with recovery states

- Tweak your gaming knowledge with a database of many trick codes

- Synchronize your recovery recreations with your online Google Drive space

- Increase copying rate with quick advance

When you have any questionable matters about the emulator please look at the demo form to begin with, which will give you a chance to assess how the emulator chips away at your mechanism.

Extraordinary is proposed for play of private reinforcements of lawfully procured Nintendo DS amusements. This item is not subsidiary with or supported by Nintendo in any method. Don't approach us for Roms or help getting them - any appeal will be overlooked.

NOTE: Android gadgets utilizing Tegra 2 are not backed by this emulator. We've endeavored to boycott these mechanisms, however in the event that in any case you have one that is not boycotted don't buy this emulator.

What's New


- Fixed relapse in Hotel Dusk

- Fixed touchscreen issue in D-Pad region, when virtual cushion handicapped

- On-Screen Fast-Forward marker might be impaired in alternatives

- Incompatible custom representation layouts from more senior adaptations are reset to default

- Added deadzone config for right simple stick

- Manifest augmentations for Mad Catz Mojo

Judul: DraStic DS Emulator APK v2.2.0.1a Orignal
Ditulis oleh Unknown
Rating Blog 5 dari 5
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