FolderMount Premium ROOT APK v2.5

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 02 Januari 2014 0 komentar
FolderMount Premium ROOT APK v2.5
FolderMount Premium ROOT APK v2.5
Requirements: 2.3 and up
Overview: Foldermount - Link envelopes from interior SD to outer to free space

ROOT is needed. Without it, the application won't start.

Issues? Utilize the EMAIL DEVELOPER connect as a part of the Play Store.

Today a few applications store enormous documents over the inner SD card (e.g. amusements, podcasts, disconnected from the net RSS substance, pictures, movies, logged off route programming). Normally clients have a little inside sd card size (~16gb) while the outside SD is a great deal greater (~32-64gb). A large portion of these applications clients download from the Play Store spare their provision information in the inner sdcard as a matter of course and don't have an alternative to utilize the outside SD card to store information so they starve your interior SD card memory. Foldermount is the answer for this issue. This application can connect envelopes in your interior sdcard to organizers in your outside sdcard along these lines populating the inside sdcard envelopes with substance that truly exists in the outer card. This helps us free space and have various games/apps with enormous information saved at the same time without the necessity to uninstall. For Nexus mechanisms with no outside sdcard, this provision may as well help join organizers to a usb blaze drive for instance.

Characteristics of Foldermount:

* Mount interior SD card organizers to outer SD envelopes.

* Move content from interior to outside when a couple is included. (Dialog brief)

* Support for Android 2.3 - 4.2.2.

* Holo themed all around and an instinctive GUI plan.

* It will check SDCARD mount status and remount if essential.


* Add an organizer pair. Source is the inner sdcard and terminus is your extsdcard

* After including, FM will offer to move the documents for you. Click yes.

* Wait until the move operation is carried out then click on the PIN. Assuming that PIN turns green, you're all set.

* The documents will exist in both the source and objective in the wake of mounting. This is normal and is ordinary. The documents you see in your inward sdcard really live in your outside sdcard now and when you "unpin" the pair, you'll see that your inner sdcard is void once more.

There are different applications that do the same practicality however this is the first to carry you help for Android 4.2 with a Holo themed application and an instinctive interface.

Have a great time :-)

What's New


-Updated Slovak region

-Support Android 4.4 on non-imitated inside sdcards (e.g. Cosmic system S2)

-Added starting Locale plugin. You can now mount/un-mount all sets utilizing Locale, Tasker or Llama

Judul: FolderMount Premium ROOT APK v2.5
Ditulis oleh Unknown
Rating Blog 5 dari 5
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