Match Pairs Pro APK v1.0.0

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 02 Januari 2014 0 komentar
Match Pairs Pro APK v1.0.0
Match Pairs Pro APK v1.0.0
Requirements: Android device
Operating System: Android 2.2 and up
Overview:'Match Pairs Pro' is a memory amusement to rapidly uncover the sets of cards given. From the amusement begin, you can't see the pictures of the cards, and is obliged memory with ad lib. This diversion can pick three amusement levels (Easy, Normal, Hard) contingent upon its challenge. You can utilize 3 amusement skins and 10 diversion subjects, and can set the intriguing winding impact on the menu screen. You can revel in the diversion as the Play mode and Challenge mode. Play mode without a period point of confinement, can select any consolidation of difficulty,themes, and card cluster. Anyhow, Challenge mode can play with selectable topics, altered card cluster hinging upon the difficulty(easy - 3x2 , Normal - 4x6, Hard - 6x6) in a given time of time. Scoreboards will show outcomes of the recreations in two ways. After the diversion closure, Top 10 players effects showed with scores in Play mode. The Challenge mode diversion independently showed the consequence of Top 3 players of every challenge level with amusement play time. You can see the aftereffect of the diversion by pressing the scores catch. Diversion information will immediately spared.


- 3 troubles (Easy, Normal, Hard)

- 3 Game Skins (Wood, Metal, Fablic)

- 3 card setups (3x4, 4x6, 6x6)

- 8 fascinating spotlight consequences for menu screen

- 10 amusement subjects (counting irregular Mix topics)

- substance consistent with the challenge

- 2 diverse diversion modes (Play, Challenge)

- 2 sorts of scoreboard apply

- 2 sorts of music selectable

- immediately produced player name on scoreboard, player name editable after diversion play

- different settings (music & sound volume control ,vibration capacity)

- immediately amusement information save

Discharge insight:

Acquired, no break required

Judul: Match Pairs Pro APK v1.0.0
Ditulis oleh Unknown
Rating Blog 5 dari 5
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