Mobile Counter Pro - 3G WIFI APK v3.3.5

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 02 Januari 2014 0 komentar
Mobile Counter Pro - 3G WIFI APK v3.3.5
Portable Counter(3g, Wifi, system movement) - requisition to number system information Gsm/cdma/wifi

It would be ideal if you check free form before purchase ace.

Dialects help: English, German, Slovak, Polish, Chinese, Romanian, French, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Czech, Hungary, Spain, Slovenia, Croatia

Computation sorts:

- Standard counting(default)

- Enable/disable adjusting in pieces (e.g to 100kb for session)

- Enable/disable independently adjust friendly and approaching exchange to piece of information

- Disable couting outgoing(sent) exchange

Usefulness included ace form:

- More widgets 2x1(wifi, exchange points of confinement, charging period)

- More widgets 1x1(gsm, WIFI, exchange points of confinement, charging period)

- New styles for warning bar (breaking point exchange, versatile Gsm/cdma, charging period)

- Transfer utilized by provision (req. android>2.1, inaccessible on Dell Streak)

- Export/import information to SD card

- Billing period estimation

- Option to not checking sent exchange

- Option to set cautions when exchange restrict less than ... (in MB) will lapse in ... (days)

- Option to empower vibration when exchange cutoff will be surpassed

- Option to set first day in week (Saturday, Sunday, Monday)

- Show provision symbol in warning just when empower Gsm/cdma/wifi

- Set close period in days, weeks, months

- Option to tally independently exchange for one WIFI SSID e.g to number hotspot activity

- New facts (for charging period, WIFI SSID)

- Option to include not utilized exchange from last period to next

What's New


- bug warning layout on android > 4.0

- settled tallying blunder which occurd on a few mechanisms

Judul: Mobile Counter Pro - 3G WIFI APK v3.3.5
Ditulis oleh Unknown
Rating Blog 5 dari 5
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