TickTick – To-do & Task List APK v1.2.5

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 03 Januari 2014 0 komentar
TickTick – To-do & Task List APK v1.2.5
TickTick – To-do & Task List APK v1.2.5
v1.2.5 overhaul:


1. The beneficiary will be advised when imparting a record

2. New client can utilize Ticktick without sign-in

3. Dim topic UI improvement

4. Bugfix



Ticktick is a basic and viable to-do record & assignment record, which helps you to make everything done and witness extremely vital minutes in life. Ticktick's cross-stage applications empower you to oversee errands on all your apparatuses, for example, Android, ios and Chrome. Furthermore, it permits you to reinforcement & sync undertakings on Ticktick.com, where you can richly orchestrate your time & plan. Life could be distinctive with Ticktick within reach.

Ticktick is free however you can additionally overhaul to Pro record for full access of premium characteristics: http://ticktick.com/about/upgrade

Chrome Extension is likewise accessible: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ticktick-extension/diankknpkndanachmlckaikddgcehkod

iphone: https://itunes.apple.com/app/tick-tick/id626144601

Its key characteristics incorporate:

1. Adjust all your assignments over all apparatuses

2. Make widget to oversee undertakings effortlessly

3. Set repeating undertakings

4. Moment time & area memo

5. Sort undertakings by order/date/name/priority

6. Drag undertakings to revise request

7. Make subtasks in agenda

8. Add notes to undertakings

9. Clump alter assignments

10. Group assignments into envelopes & Archive finished undertakings

11. Allotment assignment record to team up

12. Send errand through numerous channels

13. Fast pursuit errands

14. Perspective Google schedule occasions in Ticktick

15.voice information errands through 'note to self' with Google Now

16. Make to-do's in Ticktick through message

17. Subscribe Ticktick in Calendar requisition

18. Numerous necessity levels

Judul: TickTick – To-do & Task List APK v1.2.5
Ditulis oleh Unknown
Rating Blog 5 dari 5
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